

  對於這位21世紀的世紀鐵嘴 ALLEN VIZZUTTI,我想,大概只有有在練小號的人才會知道他吧!?他是出生在蒙大拿的小號手、作曲家、兼音樂教育家;目前定居在華盛頓,並任教於華盛頓大學音樂教育系。也許,這個名字對於大家來說是陌生的,但是他的蹤跡卻遍及各位的回憶中。他曾經擔任了不下一百部電影配樂之小號Solo演奏;其中包括了:回到未來、星艦奇航、黑神駒、洛基續集、鬼哭神號之陰風怒吼、撥雲見日、...等等。

  ALLEN VIZZUTTI 擁有驚人的小號演奏技巧,再加上他亦善長譜曲,所以經常寫出一些刁鑽到不行的一些小號炫技曲,甚至被評價為『超技小號』。順帶一提,一般大眾比較可能會聽到的演奏家,能被稱為超技小號的還有:溫頓‧馬沙利斯、納卡里亞可夫...等。至於我為什麼會說他是鐵嘴,相信有練小號的人就會知道,現在大家正在聽的這首曲子有多麼難!相信國內應該也沒有幾個人有把握能把它完整呈現出來。

  『Aventura Espanola』,這首曲子是 ALLEN VIZZUTTI 自己的創作之一,收錄在《Emerald Concerto and Other Gems》這張專輯中。這首曲子共可分為三部份,快板(Allegro)、自由速度且情感豐富之慢板、活潑有力的快板(Allegro con brio);但因為這個首曲子共長達十分鐘,考慮品質及速度,所以我打算分兩次(Aventura Espanola I、Aventura Espanola II)來介紹它!

  Aventura Espanola I,也就是大家目前正在臨聽的部分,包含了上述之快板及慢板部分;這是一首很有佛朗明哥味的曲子,在 Allegro 的部分,ALLEN VIZZUTTI 充分展現了他在高音域的高超駕馭能力及滑音功力!滑音,雖是演奏的基本技巧,但是要在快速音群中把它吹到如同大珠小珠落一盤的清晰,是非常不容易的一件事,尤其是又要持續來回於高低音域中,沒有練過的叔叔是絕對辦不到的。至於高音有多高,音樂一開始,小號的滑音上行的最高音,就是兩點升Fa...= =a 夠高吧!?(大概只有楊培安跟趙傳能用真音輕鬆唱上去)在那樣的音域中,要保持那麼強的力度(音量)是非常困難的,因為此時演奏家的嘴唇、口腔需承受相當大的壓力,而在龐大且高頻的振動下,還要能維持住該有的音準!這,也就是為什麼我會說他是鐵嘴的原因。慢板部分,通常就是要讓演奏家展現個人風格及音樂性的地方,相信不用我多說,好不好聽、有沒有感覺,大家耳朵應該都能感受得到。^__^

  至於他的一些詳細介紹,為了要讓大家多看看英文,所以我不打算完全把它翻譯出來〔其實是我懶〕!所以我就把它 po 在下面,大家有興趣就看看嘍。^__^

◎ about Allen Vizzutti, trumpet ◎

  Equally at home in a multitude of musical idioms, Allen Vizzutti has visited 35 countries and every state in the union to perform with a rainbow of artists and ensembles, including Chick Corea, Doc Severinsen, The NBC Tonight Show Band, the Airmen of Note, the Army Blues, Chuck Mangione, Woody Herman, Japan NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra, and the Kosei Wind Orchestra.

  Performing as a classical and a jazz artist, often in the same evening, Vizzutti has appeared as a guest soloist with symphony orchestras in Germany, Japan, Canada, and the United States, and his performances have been broadcast on national television in Germany, Poland, England, Sweden, Brazil, Canada, Japan, and the United States. He has performed as a soloist at the Hollywood Bowl, Carnegie Hall, Newport Jazz Festival, Banff Center for the Performing Arts, Montreaux Jazz Festival, the Charles Ives Center, Lincoln Center, and the Teton, Breckenridge, Vail, and Aspen Music Festivals.

  He has many solo jazz and classical recordings on Summit Records, DeHaske/Hal Leonard Recordings, Sony, and Ludwig Music Publishing, include he Emerald Concerto and Other Gems?with the Budapest Symphony Orchestra and igh Class Brass,?a unique classical and jazz blend co-produced, written, and performed with fellow trumpet artist, conductor, and composer Jeff Tyzik and a 90-piece studio orchestra.

  Vizzutti is professor of trumpet at the University of Washington School of Music. As Artist in Residence, he has taught at the Eastman School of Music, the Banff Center for the Performing Arts, Kansas State University, West Texas State University, the Skidmore Jazz Institute, and the Trompeten Akademie of Bremen, Germany. His long-standing commitment to education and the value of music in everyday life is reflected in extensive guest appearances at universities throughout North America, Europe, Japan, and Australia.

  Vizzutti extensive treatise, The Allen Vizzutti Trumpet Method, and his New Concepts for Trumpet (published by Alfred Music) have become standard works for trumpet study worldwide. Many more of his jazz and classical books, lay-along?recordings, student pieces, chamber music, and recital compositions have been published by Alfred, Southern Music Company, and DeHaske/Hal Leonard Publications. He wrote, performed, and produced an educational video, teps to Excellence,?for Yamaha Corporation of America. Vizzutti is a Yamaha Performing Artist.

  His compositions have been premiered by the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Phoenix Symphony, Rochester Philharmonic, Tonight Show Band, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (London), London Symphony, the United States Navy Band, and the Summit Brass.

  Vizzutti has performed on more than 100 motion picture sound tracks, including ack to the Future?and tar Trek,?as well as countless TV shows, commercials, and recordings with such artists as Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, Neil Diamond, Chick Corea, The Commodores,and Prince.

  While growing up in Montana, Vizzutti was instructed in trumpet by his father, a self-taught musician and trumpet player, until he left home to attend the Eastman School of Music. There he earned bachelor and master degrees in music, a Performer Certificate, a chair in the Eastman Brass Quintet faculty ensemble, and the only Artist Diploma ever awarded a wind, brass, or percussion player in Eastman history.


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